>for some reason, folders are not listed by the CGI.

hey Pudge - when you fix this, perhaps you can also add something to 

the top of the file listing that says "T1 provided by Brett - don't 

give out links to these files to anyone but the SOC or DIE."

and you could make the bytes column prettier with something like this...

<cfset sizeInKB = round(size/1024)>

<cfif fileType is "Dir">

<cfset sizeDisplay = "-">


<cfif sizeInKB gte 1024>

<cfset sizeDisplay = 

trim(numberformat(((size/1024)/1024),"________._")) & "MB">


<cfset sizeDisplay = sizeInKB & "KB">



although i'd suggest converting it to Perl  ;-)  and adding support 

for files over a gigabyte.  i snagged this code from a document 

repository on the AES server but ours are mainly used for Word files 

and PDFs so i've never had any files that large put up there.


