
The Grand Old Party's looking for

Somebody who can lead

Someone who is electable

And adheres to our creed

Some say the group is not diverse

They're white, they're men, but wait:

The Dems have just one candidate;

Republicans have eight

Rudy's leading all the polls

But can he win the base?

Mitt changed on abortion

Hist'ry he can't erase

Ron Paul would end the FDA

And that is just a start

Fred has just begun to run

But sure does look the part

Hunter tells us what to do

In foreign policy debates

Huckabee's compassionate

And lost a lot of weight

Tancredo says "let's build a fence"

Across the whole southwest

McCain is loved by many

And hated by the rest

We don't know who we're voting for

We don't know who will win

That's why we use YouTube to ask

Our questions of these men

Time is short, we're voting soon

And I just thought I'd mention

If we don't reach consensus, then

We'll decide at convention