5:30 - 8:00

office in snohomish

olga, 425-344-7323

1410 Ave D




$25 cash

apr 20 bob legg $60 bella rosa

* Call to Order

* Secretary Opening

* Old Business

* Treasurer Progress

* Call Precincts

* Guest: Rep. Dan Kristiansen

* New Business

* Time/Date/Place change?

* Roulstone/Cheney Event

* Caucus and Convention

* Platform

* Brief

* Positive

* Beneficial

* Delegate to state?

* Commitees and Volunteers

* Young Republicans

* Business Roundtable / PEC

* Farms?

* Events (Iris)

* Platform

* Campaign

* HQ

* Letter Assignment

* Election Problems

* Quote?

* Adjournment