Cheat code: Square, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, L3

Full Ammo
Cheat code: Circle, Left, Circle, Right, Square, R3

Full Health
Cheat code: Left, Square, Right, Circle, Right, L3

Unlock All Movies
Note: this code is entered at the main menu where trailer is shown.
Cheat code: Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Square, L3

 _____ _             ____           _  __       _   _               

|_   _| |__   ___   / ___| ___   __| |/ _| __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ 

  | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |  _ / _ \ / _` | |_ / _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|

  | | | | | |  __/ | |_| | (_) | (_| |  _| (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |   

  |_| |_| |_|\___|  \____|\___/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|   




Game     : The Godfather

Platform : Play Station 2

Author   : a_heavenly_body

Version  : 1.0

FAQ Type : FAQ/Walkthrough

E-Mail   : a.heavenly.body@gmail.com

Copyright 2006 a_heavenly_body




2-Copyright Notice

3-Version History



6-Side Missions


8-SKills And Upgrades








Hello and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Godfather, The game. This game

is based on the classic movie of the same name and features the voice talents

of most of the actors. I have tried to make the walkthrough as detailed as

possible, i hope you find it useful. Please send me feedback.



2-Copyright Notice

This document is copyright 2006 a_heavenly_body. It cant be altered reproduced

or published under any circumstances without my permission. The only websites

currently allowed to host it are


That's it. If I find it on any other website without my permission then the

web master will be in one heck of a trouble, as I will immediately take legal

action. If you spot it on an un-authorized website inform me via e-mail as

soon as you can (see contacts section). If you want it on your website then me

an e-mail asking permission and we will discuss things (see contacts section)



3-Version History

11 June 2006 --- Started the FAQ. Completed basic sections and some early

missions. (0.1)

12 June 2006 --- Walkthrough section complete. Now side sections remain. (0.2)

13 June 2006 --- Most of the Side sections complete. (0.3)

14 June 2006 --- Everything is complete. (1.0)




ON-FOOT Controls

Left Analog Stick.......Navigation

Right Analog Stick......Camera Control/Attack/Aim pointer of weapon

X Button...........Sprint (Use while navigating)

O Button...........Crouch

SQUARE Button.......Block

TRAINGLE Button......Action (To open doors and enter cars etc)

L1 Button............Lock-onto Target

R1 Button............Grab/Shoot (Shoots only when weapon is drawn)

R2 Button............Finisher move while attacking opponent with hands

L2 Button............Free Aim (while weapon is drawn)

Left/Right D-Pad......Select Weapons

Up D-Pad..............Take out Weapon

Down D-Pad............Hide Weapon

SELECT Button.........Objectives

START Button..........Pause Menu

DRIVING Controls

Left Analog Stick.......Navigation

Right Analog Stick......Camera Control

X Button...........Accelerate

O Button...........No Use

SQUARE Button.......Brake

TRAINGLE Button......Enter/Exit Car

L1 Button............Brake

R1 Button............No Use

R2 Button............Handbrake

L2 Button............Look Behind

Left/Right D-Pad......No Use

Up D-Pad..............No Use

Down D-Pad............No Use

SELECT Button.........Objectives

START Button..........Pause Menu




Remember to complete as many side-missions as possible to earn a lot of cash.

Buy safehouses and always make sure you have plenty of ammo before you start a

new mission. After every story mission you will earn skill points. Use them to

upgrade your stats. Keep a balance between all of them. Save regularly.




This is a training level. Follow the onscreen instructions to press L1 and

take out all attackers using the Right analog stick. Use the baseball bat to

your advantage. Watch the Cut-scene. You will now see the menu for the

customization of yourself. Dont press the JOIN THE FAMILY option until you are

satisfied with your appearence. You can edit it any time later. Join the family

to continue.



II.Price Of Loyalty

Watch the Cut-scene.



III.The Alley

Another training. Lock-onto the poor guys and attack them in the various ways

you are told. Follow the fat guy after that and press TRAINGLE near him to talk

to him. You now have to get to the safehouse. Grab any incoming car and follow

the blue X mark on your in-game map to reach the safehouse. Enter through the

door and go up the stairs through another door. Save by using the TRIANGLE

button to complete the mission.

Respect: +500

Money: $500

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Upgrade your stats with the skill point and answer the phone below. Go outside

and talk to Luca.



IV.The Enforcer

Another training mission. Talk to Luca. Follow the blue X marker and enter the

shop. Talk to the butcher. Now lock onto the nearby objects. There are 3 near

you. Smash them and talk to the butcher again. You have to take over the racket

upstairs, so head up. Take out the two attackers and talk to the boss. Now turn

around and go near the purple safe. Plant the dynamite on it and get to a safe

spot before the metre runs out. Take the money and upgrade your stats.

Remember that extorting buisnesses and taking over rakcets will increase your

weekly payment, so do these regularly. Head back down the stairs and bribe the

police officer. Now return to Luca for the cut-scene. Save your game.

Respect: +750

Money: $1,000

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked



V.Grave Situation

Follow the blue circle on your map to meet Paulie. Watch the cut-scene. Follow

Monk and Paulie. Press O to crouch. Then go left, forget crouching and just

grab one of the punks. Beat him to a pulp and go take the other one. Gran him

and move him towards the recently dug grave for a cut-scene.

Respect: +2,500

Money: $1,500

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Talk to Monk. Now follow the blue dot and talk to Luca.



VI.Sleeping With The Fishes

Follow Luca and talk to him again. Draw out your weapon and press L1 to lock

onto the dummy. Use the right analog to aim the pointer and then shoot at the

chest, then shoulder and then knee a couple of time. Take wall cover on the

nearby wall by pressing the SQUARE button and press L1. Take out the dummy and

quickly release and press L1 again to switch targets. Take out the other dummy

and press SQUARE again.

Press L2 to activate free aim. Shoot the truck a couple of times and press L2

again. Press down D-Pad and follow Luca. Enter the car. You have 4 minutes to

reach the required blue marker, which is plenty of time, provided you dont

crash every third second. So drive carefully and quickly to reach the place for

a cut-scene.

Draw out your weapon, take care and kill the first enemy infront of you, behind

the crates. Use wall cover and take out two more enemies. Go up the stairs and

enter. Kill any enemy you see. Go through the door and take wall cover. Kill

the two enemies down the hall and go to where they were standing. Head left

and kill another enemy. Kill another enemy inside the hall. You know have 3

minutes to reach the safe house, quickly go outside, take any car available and

zoom for the safe house.

Avoid any police cars you encounter besides avoiding crashing into other cars.

because everytime you crash, you will recieve plenty of gunfire and you might

lose your car which can be big trouble. Drive carefully and quickly to reach

your destination, the blue mark. Cut-scene.

Respect: +3,500

Money: $2,000

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

You dont have any mission right now. You will eventually get one via a ringing

telephone, so check in your safehouse every now and then. In the mean time, do

some side missions.



VII.The Don Is Dead

Go to the blue dot on the map for a cut-scene. Take out your weapon and kill a

couple of enemies from inside, then jump out and kill the enemy with the tommy

gun. Head right towards frankie. Her health is constantly decreasing. Take out

your pistol and use free aim to blast the head of the enemy holding her for a


You will now be inside a car. You have to follow the ambulance taking the Don

to the hospital. The metre in the middle shows the health. On your way, you

will encounter countless enemy cars. Try to ignore them as you have to keep up

with the ambulance. Try to make them crash into things. Avoid crashing because

you will recieve a lot of gun-fire and you car might catch fire. Reach the

bridge for a cut-scene.

Kill the 2-enemies you encounter and go towards the man with a white symbol on

his head. Interrogate him, he will try to fight, just grab hold and get the

info out of him, dont kill him until you get the info. Now go towards the

ambulance and drive it to the hospital. Keep an eye on the Don's health and

dont worry about the oncoming cars. Avoid crashes as they will decrease the

Don's health.

Respect: +5,000

Money: $2,500 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

You have to go to the Corleone compound. So follow the path to the blue dot and

talk to Tom Hagen so that you are promoted to enforcer.

Respect: +5,000

Money: $7,500

Follow the path outside, taking to the person you meet outside for your next

mission and on your way out, besides the door, there will be a guy in a brown

coat. Talk to him for your first contract killing. Do it if you want to other-

wise go to the blue dot on your map. Enter the building and talk the fat guy.



VIII.Intensive Care

You have to go to the hospital in Little Italy, so do so for a cut-scene. Go

forward and talk to the guard. Climb up the stairs and head left and go through

the doors infront of you, talk to Frankie for a cut-scene. Head right and go

through the door to see the assasin. He is armed with a pistol so, take him out

quickly as you have no weapon. Go towards Frankie again for a cut-scene.

Head forward, then right and down the stairs. Head left and enter the room

immediately on your right for a shot-gun. Go forward and then left. Go down

the stairs, left and go through the door. Take out the enemy you see and enter

the room on your right to kill another enemy. Take wall cover on the wall

opposite this door. Lock-on and take out the enemy.

Now go forward and take out another enemy. Take wall cover here and take out

two more enemies. Head towards the end. Enter the hallway and back out after

the enemies show themselves. Use wall cover to take them out. There is a health

potion and an enemy in the room on your right. Go forward and take out the

enemy in the room on your left. Go towards the window, crouch and take out both


Vault over and go towards the ambulance for a cut-scene. COme out of this room,

left and go up the stairs. Take wall cover and take out the two enemies. Go

forward and you will see Micheal, ignore him for now and go up the stairs to

place where the Don is. Take the money bag worth $2,000 here and go back down

and talk to Micheal for a cut-scene.

Respect: +6,000

Money: $5,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Now head left, look a little on your right for a family member with a symbol

above his head. Talk to him for your next mission.




Go to the blue dot, enter and go through the door at the back. Talk to the guy

for a cut-scene. You know have to meet Rosa, so go towards the blue dot. Enter

the door and talk to Rosa. Go through the door and talk to this guy. Now go up

the stairs. Talk to the two guys with the symbols above their heads. Now go

through the door nearby and talk to the third guy. Head back for a cut-scene.

Go down and bribe the police officer. Head left and go into the alley. You will

see a cop infront of you. Although you can strangle him, you can also beat him

out, because you have a 25 second warning time before he calls backup. DONOT

use the gun. Go forward and take out this cop, you can strangle him by equipp-

ing and using the Garrote wire.

Go forward and take cover on the wall on your right. Rotate the camera to see

another cop, take him out as well. Slowly go forward half the wall on your

right (where the crate and the burning cylinder is) and press L1 to lock-on.

If the cop is near, you will lock-on. Otherwise wait and keep trying until you

lock, then follow him and take him out. Now you will see one last cop, he will

be facing the other side, so sneak up and strangle him. Go through the door.

Take out your gun and go through another door. Kill the cop on your right and

another one. Take out another one on the stairs and go up. Talk to Rosa for a

cut-scene. Ignore the door near Rosa, look left and go through this opening

into the room. Plant a dynamite on the safe and take the money. Now go through

the door. Head left and use the elevator. You have to throw the cop of the roof

to complete the mission, so beat him up a little, then grab him and drag him

to the edge of the roof. Use the right analog to throw him down.

Respect: +7,500

Money: $7,500 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Head back down the elevator and go through the door, talk to the girl for a

cut-scene and your next mission. You have to go to the Corleone compound. So

do so for a cut-scene and your promotion to associate.

Respect: +10,000

Money: $7,500 

Weekly Payout Increased

Go outside and talk to the guy with the symbol (in black suit) for your next

mission. So, head towards the blue dot for a cut-scene.



X.Death To The Traitor

Enter the diner and go through a door. Head up the stairs and take the dynamite

on the crate. Go down and infront of you, in a room will be a cook threatened

by two guys, kill them and follow the cook up for some extra ammo. Go back out

and talk to Clemenza.

Sprint after Clemenza and crouch when he does. Then enter via the front door

and kill anyone who gets in your way. Head upstairs, take the enemies in the

snooker room and plant the dynamite. Sprint out of the building via the same

way before it blows up for a cut-scene.

You have to chase after Paulie. He will head left into the construction site,

either shoot the explosive barrels from a distance or wait for Paulie to

shoot them. Follow him while avoiding the explosions untils he stops. Take

cover, avoid his fire and take him out for a cut-scene.

You know have tp avoid the police and reach the safehouse. The police will try

to ram into you apart from the fire. Avoid crashes and and dont stop until you

reach the safehouse for a cut-scene.

Respect: +17,000

Money: $10,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Safehouse Reward: Paulie's Apartment

You don't know your next mission, so do some side missions and then check your

safehouse for a phone call. You will have to meet Monk, so go to the blue dot

and enter the door. Go through the door on your left and then on your right

for a cut-scene. Now you have to go to the Corleone compound, meet with Tom

there for a cut-scene.




You have to follow Rocco. Stay crouched at all times and do whatever he does.

Follow him behind the car. Then follow him behind the big bush and then another

one. Now follow him around a red car. Then follow him all the way behind a

bush near a green car. Follow him down the stairs and enter the stable. Go to

the blue marker and talk with him.

You have to watch his back. A guard will come, take him out before the 25

second time runs out. You have to lead the way to the blue X mark. Go up the

stairs and wait for the guard to come infront of you, strangle him and go up

the stairs. Enter the door. You must not kill innocent people here.

You will see a waiter infront of an entrance talking with a guard, wait for

the waiter to go out the door and then head right and strangle the guard. Go

up the stairs and strangle another guard. Go towards the wall near the entrance

and use wall cover to look. There will be a maid, wait for her to go and enter

this area.

Take wall cover on the wall near the corridor through which the maid went. Use

the camera to look around and wait for the maid to go before strangling the

guard. Go towards the blue marker and wait for Rocco. Cut-scene.

Respect: +12,500

Money: $15,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

There will be a guy in front of you. Talk to him for your objective and then

go meet Tom Mid-Town. Enter the building, use the elevator and talk to Tom for

a cut-scene. Save. You know have to go to the Corleone compound. Do so for a

cut-scene and your next mission.



XII.Recipe For Revenge

Enter a car and exit the compound to start a 4 minute timer. I suggest that

you get a good look at the map before exiting the compound. Avoid crashes and

other time wasters and you will reach the diner in time. You destination is in

Mid-Town. Stop in the blue light.

You have to enter through the alley. Take out your garrote and strangle the

first enemy. Crouch and head right to the end, take cover on the wall near

the window (through which a person is visible) and wait for a guard to come.

Strangle him and continue forward following the path. There will be a person

with a symbol on his head, talk to him.

Increase the pressure by hitting him a couple of times and then talk again.

Enter through the door. Ignore the cook and go through another door. Keep

crouched and head right and enter the bathroom, go towards the blue marker for

a cut-scene.

Ignore the incoming fire and get to the blue mark. Enter the car to recieve a

new location for you to go. Open the map and plan your route. You location is

on the top left most corner of the map which is a LONG distance to cover.

You will be attacked by many enemy vehicles on the way, try to ignore them and

make them crash into other cars. AVOID crashing your self otherwise the heavy

enemy fire could very well destroy your car. Reach the blue dot for a cut-scene

which ends the mission.

Respect: +15,000

Money: $20,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

There will be a guy infront of you with a symbol. Talk to him to recieve your

next location. Reach there and talk to Tom. After that talk, enter the door

for a cut-scene and your promotion to soldier.

Respect: +17,500

Money: $20,000 

Weekly Payout Increases

Exit through the door and you will hear the phone ringing. Recieve it for your

next location. Save and go to the blue dot a cut-scene.



XIII.Now It's Personel

Take out your weapon and kill the two enemies that enter the room. Then head

downstairs killing two enemies on the way. When you reach down, kill the enemy

taking cover behind the desk and interrogate the guy with the symbol above his

head. Beat him to bring the pressure metre to green and after he talks, use the

telephone in the lobby.

Go outside and enter the marked car. After that get to the blue X on the map.

You next stop is in Brooklyn, you will encounter enemy cars on the way. Avoid

their fire and try to crash them into things. Definitely avoid crashing your

self. Follow Monk around the back of the church, head down the stairs and go

through the door. Use the wall for cover and take out the enemy.

Head around and kill another enemy. Take wall cover on the wall near the

entrance and chuck a dynamite/molotov into the room provided you have one.

Otherwise go in and take out all enemies you see. Continue foward and kill

two more enemies and head up the stairs for cut-scene.

Respect: +20,000

Money: $30,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Go outside through the doors and talk to the guy with the symbol. You now have

to go to Hell's Kitchen, so do so and enter the blue marker.



XIV.Silent Witness

Go forward and talk to the guy. Enter the door and follow the path around and

up the stairs and talk to Sonny. You have to interrogate the guy. Beat him till

the pressure metre reaches green and talk interrogate him for a cut-scene. You

now have to go to mid-town. Reach there and stop on the blue light.

You will see two guys in brown coats. Shoot them and the guy that comes running

out, there will also be another guy inside, kill him as well. Head left and

kill the enemy inside th room. Use the health potion here if necessary. Now go

back outside to the entrance of the funeral home, head left and you will see

a black car parked inside a garage. Kill the brown suited person here and enter

back inside the funeral home. Go to the blue marker and use the elevator.

You will be punched as soon as you enter and it is unavoidable, watch them run

and then take wall cover. Shoot the two brown suited guys but donot harm the

black suited one. You have to throw him in the overn otherwise its mission

failed. The oven is right next to elevator, with a big flame in it. Drag him

to it and throm him in to complete the mission.

Respect: +25,000

Money: $35,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

You donot have your next mission objective, you will recieve that via a phone

call. In th mean time do some side missions and check your safe house every now

and then for a phone call.

When you do recieve the phone call, head to your destination which is the

Corleone compound. Talk to Sonny to recieve next destination in Mid-Town, head

there and stop in the blue marker.



XV.Sonny's War

Talk to Sonny. Enter the marked car, you have 2 minutes to reach your mark, so

avoid crashes and drive carefully. Enter through the door and kill the mobster

you see in front of you. Go forward and kill another enemy. Enter the door near

the elevator and kill all enemies in the bar. There is a health potion in the

kitchen (the other door near the elevator). Now go to the doors from where you

entered the place and go through the door right next to it. Head downstairs.

Kill the two enemies you see and the follow the path into a room with three

more enemies, kill them. Enter the door here and talk to the guy with the

symbol on his head. You have to beat him a little to get the information out of

him. Follow the path back up the entracne and kill another enemy, head to the


You have to follow the racket boss, marked by a moving blue X. You will be

attacked by enemy vehicles. Try to avoid their fire and ram them into other

objects. Avoid crashing yourself. When you arrive at the blue mark, stop and

get out of the car.

Enter through the door very near you and kill two enemies. Enter through the

door here, head up and enter through the big silver door. Kill the enemies you

encounter. Head up the stairs to the blue marker. Cut-scene. After that, follow

the path back outside to the car and enter, you have a 3 minute time limit to

get to your destination nearby, do so while avoiding the enemies.

Use the map if you get a little lost. Stop in the blue marker. Enter the dock

and head right to see a handful of enemies, take them out and continue forward

taking out more enemies, it would be best if you use free aim to target the

flaming barrels, they will take out many enemies with them. Continue forward

and look right, you will see your path blocked by a lot of barrels, chuck a

dynamite at it to clear the path. The door to the warehouse will open.

Take wall cover and chuck a dynamite/molotov inside. Enter and take out the

remaining enemies. At the end will be guy with a symbol on his head, you have

to interrogate him, beat him if necessary and do the talking to complete the


Respect: +30,000

Money: $40,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Talk to the guy with the symbol for your next destination. I am pretty sure

you started a mob war in-between this mission, so my advice is to locate an FBI

agent on your map and bribe him to end the war. Then go to the Corleone

compund and meet with Sonny.



XVI.Change Of Plans

Enter the marked car and follow after Sonny, there are no enemies, so avoid

crashing and chase after him until a cut-scene starts. You know have to track

down the assasins so follow after them. This time you will attacked by enemy

vehicles, use the usual tactic on them. If your car gets ready to blow, hijack

a new one and continue after the marker.

Stop, get out of the car and take out all enemies, enter the door and climb up

the stairs. Kill the person near the guard in the green uniform and interrogate

the guard. You now have another destination. Go back outside and enter the car.

You have five minutes to reach the blue mark. There are no enemy vehicles this

time so drive carefully and smoothly.

Stop in the blue light. Kill the guy with the base ball bat and enter. Kill all

enemies you encounter. Kill all enemies on the dance floor and enter the door

nearby. Go down the stairs. Kill all the enemies you encounter in this area

and enter the marked door. Interrogate the fat guy here. You will have a time

limit of 5 minutes to return to the Corleone compound, run back outside, grab

a car and step on it. Plan your route on the map, there are no enemy vehicles.

Go to the blue mark for a cut-scene.

Respect: +40,000

Money: $45,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

You have to meet with Micheal at the Corleone compound, so go there and talk to

get promoted to Capo. If you started a mob war, in the recent mission, then

find and bribe an FBI agent before you proceed.

Respect: +60,000

Money: $50,000 

Weekly Income Increased

You have to talk to Micheal again for your next destination. It is in Little

Italy, so go there and stop at the blue marker for a cut-scene.



XVII.Order To Kill

Follow Monk. Enter the hotel door. There will be three enemies, take them down.

Take cover near the stairs and take out another two. Head up the stairs and

take out the enemy in the room, watch out for the enemt coming down another

set of stairs. Carefully head up the stairs, checking around corners before


Head up and take out the enemies in the rooms. Now climb up the stairs and

to the blue marker for a cut-scene. You know have 3 minuutes to track down

Monk, so follow the stairs down and find a car, get in and get to the blue X

mark. There are no enemy vehicels, so drive carefully and smoothly. Stop in the

blue marker for a cut-scene.

You will be attacked by a baseball weilding enemy followed by an armed one,

take them both out, notice the purple coloured safe here, vault over in its

direction and take cover on the wall. Kill the enemy and proceed towards the

door in the centre of the wall. open it and take cover, Monk is in here, use

some dynamites/molotovs if you have them otherwise carefully pick the enemies

one by one and finally kill Monk. Get out of the building to complete the


Respect: +75,000

Money: $50,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Head left and talk with the guy who has a symbol. You have to meet Tom at the

Corleone Compound. Reach there and go to the blue marker to get your next

destination. Reach there for a cut-scene.



XVIII.It's Only Buisness

Follow Tessio in the club. A couple of steps forward and you will be attacked

and Tessio will attempt to escape. You have 3 minutes. Take wall cover and kill

the enemies. Follow the the path killing any enemy and use the elevator. Open

the door, take wall cover and quickly take out the two enemies. Go through the


Kill another enemy and go through the door. Take wall cover and kill another

enemy. Go up the stairs and take wall cover. Kill the enemy and continue

forward, take wall cover here and kill another two enemies. Go ahead and enter

the bar, kill any remaining enemy you see including Tessio. This will end the


Respect: +125,000

Money: $50,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

Exit the building. You will see two people with a symbol on their head, talk to

both of them for your next destination. You now have to meet Micheal in little

Italy, before you go, make sure you have full ammo for all weapons, buy a

shot-gun/magnum upgrade if you can. Save and then go to the blue marker for a




XIX.Baptism By Fire

You know have destination in Mid-Town, so head there and talk to Clemenza. You

have a 13 minute time limit, so don't waste time. You know have another

destination to reach, the 13 minute timer remains until the mission is done.

Stop in the blue marker. Head inside and go up by the stairs. Talk to the guy

with a symbol on his head.

Go inside and talk to a guy with the symbol, then enter the room and talk to

another guy with the symbol. You know have to kill the Don, follow him inside

the elevator and kill him when the doors are shut. Now be alert and take down

the attackers with the help of Clemenza, take wall cover where necessary.

Follow Clemenza onto the staircase and head down, kill any remaining enemy

and talk to Clemenza in the main hall.

Go outside for a cut-scene. You have another 13 minutes to reach the barber

shop for information regarding the second Don. So grab a car and get there,

talk to the guy with the symbol. You know have another destination, it is

nearby, get there and stop in the blue light.

Talk to the guy again and follow him, you have to kill another Don. Follow him

down the garage and up the stairs. Enter the door with weapon drawn and kill

any enemy you see. Take cover where necessary and once you have killed all

enemies including the don, another 13 minute timer will start. Talk to the guy

with the symbol again. Head outside for a cut-scene. You have speak with Rocco

in Brooklyn, so grab a car and go.

You will be chased by enemy vehicles, dealing with them should be well known

to you by now. Head inside the building and into the bar room, talk to the

guy with the symbol. Go outside and there will be a hooker on your right. Talk

to her. Now go to the hotel marked by your map. Enter and kill any enemies you

see. Head up the stairs killing any enemy you see on the way. The doors here

are locked, so head up the stairs and take out all enemies. Enter through one

of the doors and take out all enemies. The Don will be holding a hooker

hostage while shooting at you inside a room, use free aim and blow his head

off. Talk to the guy with the symbol.

You have 13 minutes to take down another Don, your next destination is in

little Italy. You also have to deal with enemy vehicles on the way. Talk with

the guy who has the symbol. You have another destination, so go. Stop in the

blue light. Take out your weapon, as soon as you hear the first gun shot,

open fire on any enemy you see. STAY in this position near the trash cans.

Take out all enemies and when the coast is clear head towards the blue mark for

a cut-scene. This man is one who deprived you of the love of your father, so

kill him. You now have a 2:30 timer, you have to avoid the police for this

amount of time. Do anything, take sharp turns, handbrake around corners, change

paths until the timer runs out.

The police will ignore you after the timer runs out. You will have 3 minutes

to return to the Baptism in Little Italy after that. Do so and stop in the

marker for a cut-scene. You have COMPLETED the game.

Respect: +200,000

Money: $150,000 

Bonus-Film Clip Unlocked

There will be a guy with a symbol near you, talk to him for one last objective

which is to go to the Corleone compound. Head there for a cut-scene and your

promotion to Underboss.

Respect: +250,000

Money: $150,000 

Weekly Payout Increased

You now have a safehouse in the Corleone compound. You can talk to the guy with

the symbol outside to get another objective, but it is optional and it is up to

you whether you want to do it or not. You can move on to the side missions if

you want to play more of the game, because all main (story) missions are




6-Side Missions

You can do these missions any time in the game for some extra cash and respect.



I.Contract Hits

Contract hits can be got by going to the yellow circle on your map. Talk to the

guy and the person to be assasinated will show up as a yellow X on your map.



1.Mikey Saleri

Contract Location: Corleone Compound

Reward: $500 and 500 respect

Bonus Condition: Use hand to hand combat

Bonus Reward: $2,500 and 5,000 respect



2.Donnie Marinelli

Contract Location: Embasy Club, Brooklyn

Reward: $500 and 1000 respect

Bonus Condition: Use a baseball bat

Bonus Reward: $2,500 and 15,000 respect



3.Tony Bianchi

Contract Location: Embasy Club, Brooklyn

Reward: $500 and 1,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Use a Garrote 

Bonus Reward: $2,500 and 15,000 respect



4.Freddie Nobile

Contract Location: Embasy Club, Brooklyn

Reward: $4,000 and 3,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Make sure their are no witnesses

Bonus Reward: $20,000 and 35,000 respect



5) Johnny Tattaglia

Contract Location: Embasy Club, Brooklyn

Reward: $4,000 and 4,000 Respect

Bonus Condition: Make Johnny Burn

Bonus Reward: $20,000 and 40,000 respect



6.Plinio Ottaviano

Contract Location: Corcorans Perch

Reward: $1,500 and 2,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Make Plinio Burn

Bonus Reward: $7,500 and 20,000 respect



7.Leon Grossi

Contract Location: Holy Cross Church

Reward: $1,500 and 2,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Throw Leon into the Bakery's fire

Bonus Reward: $7,500 and 25,000 respect



8.Oscar Zavarelle

Contract Location: Holy Cross Church

Reward: $1,500 and 3,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Shoot him in this sequence: Knee, shoulder, chin

Bonus Reward: $7,500 and 30,000 respect



9.Bobby Marcolini

Contract Location: Corleone Compound

Reward: $1,500 and 4,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Throw Bobby off a bridge or a roof

Bonus Reward: $7,500 and 45,000 respect



10.Jaggy Jovino

Contract Location: Corleone Compound

Reward: $7,500 and 7,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Don't injure any escort girls

Bonus Reward: $37,500 and 70,000 respect



11.Mario Debellis

Contract Location: Corleone Compound

Reward: $1,500 and 5,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Run down Mario with a car

Bonus Reward: $7,500 and 50,000 respect



12.Ronnie Tosca

Contract Location: Corleone Compound

Reward: $4,000 and 5,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Kill him with a single head shot

Bonus Reward: $20,000 and 55,000 respect



13.Jack Fontana

Contract Location: Holy Cross Church

Reward: $5,000 and 6,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Use a bare-handed strangle

Bonus Reward: $25,000 and 60,000 respect



14.Salvatorre Stracci

Contract Location: Holy Cross Church

Reward: $5,000 and 6,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Kill him before he destroys the warehouse

Bonus Reward: $25,000 and 65,000 respect



15.Big Bobby Toro

Contract Location: Bryant Park

Reward: $7,500 and 7,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Kill him without killing any law enforcement officers

Bonus Reward: $37,500 and 75,000 respect



16.Pietro Testa

Contract Location: Bryant Park

Reward: $5,000 and 8,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Kill him while he is shaking the police officers hand

Bonus Reward: $25,000 and 80,000 respect



17.Domenico Mazza

Contract Location: Bryant Park

Reward: $10,000 and 9,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Bribe the bodyguard before killing Mazza

Bonus Reward: $50,000 and 90,000 respect



18.Emilio Barzini Jr.

Contract Location: Bryant Park

Reward: $10,000 and 9,500 respect

Bonus Condition: Kill all the guards first

Bonus Reward: $50,000 and 95,000 respect



19.Luciano Fabbri

Contract Location: Corleone Compound

Reward: $7,500 and 10,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Talk to him before you kill him

Bonus Reward: $37,500 and 100,000 respect



20.Marco Cuneo

Contract Location: Corleone Compound

Reward: $7,500 and 15,000 respect

Bonus Condition: Kill him by throwing him into a ditch or rail yard

Bonus Reward: $37,500 and 150,000 respect



II.Execution Styles

Execution styles are the various methods in which you take down your enemies.

They will only earn you respect, but once you complete all of them, you will

get $150,000 as a reward.



1.Blackhand Execution

You have to kill a mobster without grabbing him at all.



2.Bombs Away Execution

You have to kill (more like obliviate) a mobster with a bomb or dynamite.



3.Cocktail Hour Execution

You have to kill a mobster with a molotive cocktail.



4.Grand Slam Execution

You have to beat a mobster with a baseball bat while he is kneeled.




5.Blackhand Grapple Execution

You have to kill a mobster while you are grappling him.



6.Hard Head Execution

You have to slam a mobster sideways against an object untill he dies.



7.Last Gasp

You have to kill a mobster by strangling him.



8.Over cooked execution

You have to throw a mobster into an oven or furnace



9.Road Rage

You have to run down a mobster with a car.



10.Silent Assassin Execution

You have to kill a mobster with a garrote wire.



11.Stained Glass Execution

You have to push a mobster through a window.



12.Watch your Step Execution

You have to throw a mobster of a building.



13.Traffic Accident Execution

You have to push a mobster in front of a moving car.



14.Wallpapered Execution

You have to slam a mobster against a wall untill he dies.



15.Hats off Execution

You have to approach a mobster while he his knelt down and kill him with a

pistol or similar weapon.



16.Pistol Execution

You have to approach a mobster while he is standing and kill him with a pistol

or similar weapon.



17.Faceoff Execution

You have to approach a mobster while he is kneeling and shoot him with a




18.Gut Shot Execution

You have to aim at a mobsters stomach and shoot him when the crosshair turns




19.Disarmed Execution

You have to shoot a mobster in the shoulder.



20.Kneecapped Execution

You have to aim at a mobsters kneecap and shoot him when the crosshair turns




21.Firearm Execution

You have to kill a mobster with a firearm.



22.Sure Shot Execution

You have to shoot a mobster in the head.



III.Extorting Buisnesses and Rackets

You are explained how to extort buisnesses in the mission "The Enforcer". It is

very simple, just head inside any shop etc and look for a person with a symbol

above his/her head. Press triangle to extort, some will agree on the spot while

most others will need convincing. Either you beat them up or you break their

things or attack the customers. Keep an eye on the pressure metre and when it

turns green, STOP immediately and talk to the person again. Pressure beyond the

green means that the person will snap and he will not pay you no matter what.

Many buisnesses have rackets. A backdoor will be opened if their is one. Go to

it, storm the place, either buy it out from the person with the symbol or

force him into it. These increase your weekly income, respect and percentage

game completion. You should be always be on the lookout for wherehouses, hubs,

rackets etc when not on a mission.



IV.Safe Houses

Safehouse is the place where you save your game. Unbought safe houses are

marked as an orange house, while bought safe houses are marked as a green one.

Just go to an unbought safe house and buy it if you have the money. Safehouses

bought with your own money and not given to you in a mission, will often have

weapon supplies in them.



V.Bank Robbery

Whenever you are low on cash, just go to any nearby bank (marked with a $ on

the map) with plenty of ammo and a dynamite. Enter and kill the guards, plant

the dynamite on the safe, take cover, collect the loot and return to your

safehouse without being killed.




I have listed all the weapons available in this game along with details about

them below:



A.Melee Weapons

These weapons cannot be bought, they have to found. 



I.Baseball Bat

The baseball bat is better then using your fists. It is effective only against

unarmed enemies, so don't go running into a mob war waving a baseball bat as

you need a couple of hits before the enemy goes down. Armed enemies will kill

you faster then you can say homerun if you attack them with a baseball bat.

Price: ZERO

Location: Inside your Safehouse




It is the same as the baseball bat in pretty much everything.

Price: ZERO

Location: Inside your Safehouse (only those which you buy)



III.Police Baton

Pretty much the same thing as the above two, except slightly more powerful.

Price: ZERO

Location: You have to kill a cop to get one



IV.Garotte Wire

This is a stealth weapon, used ONLY for stealth kills and useless in pretty

much every other situation. Just sneak up behind an unsuspecting enemy, lock-on

and attack, then press L3 and R3 periodically to choke them to their death.

Situational YET useful.

Price: ZERO

Location: Automatically given to you in the mission "Fireworks"




These are the weapons that you will be using the most and their upgrades and

ammo cost money.



I).38 Snub Nose Revolver

This will probably be your first weapon of the game and it is also the weakest.

However, it is pretty useful for headshots but later on in the game it becomes

almost useless even if you buy the upgrades.




The following upgrades are available for this weapon.



Level: 1

Price: ZERO

Location: Given Automatically

You can carry 6+36 bullets and it is pretty weak.



Level: 2

Price: $7,500

Location: Southern most side of Little Italy

The name changes to SPECIAL. This version is more powerful and has a slightly

faster firing rate. You can now carry 6+60 bullets. Still weak overall.



Level: 3

Price: $75,000

Location: Court Park, Little Italy

The name changes to SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL. This version is even more powerful

and you can now carry 6+80 bullets. Despite being a level 3 gun, this little

weapon will be about as useful as a baseball bat for the enemies in the last

3-4 missions.



II).45 Hangun (Pistol)

This is your standard pistol, it is powerful then the .38 snub nose and is also

good for headshots. It is useful in the early missions however, upgrades are a

must if you want this weapon to be of any use later on in the game.




Following are the upgrades available for this weapon



Level: 1

Price: ZERO

Location: You get it automatically in the 3-4 mission

Stronger then the snub nose yet still weak. You can carry 8+48 bullets.



Level: 2

Price: $12,500

Location: Below Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn.

The name changes to EXTENTED CLIP. It is slightly more powerful. You can now

carry 10+70 bullets.



Level: 3

Price: $250,000

Location: Southern Dumping Area, Brooklyn.

The name changes to ASSASIN. This gun is now automatic and you can carry 14+140

bullets. Overall strong, but i prefer the level 3 magnum.



III)Magnum Revolver

It is a very powerful revolver, although slow. Definitely better then the snub

nose and the pistol. The slowness is eliminated with the upgrades to the weapon

and to your speed.




The following upgrades are available for this weapon.



Level: 1

Price: ZERO

Location: You get it automatically in the 3-4 mission

Powerful and can carry 6+36 bullets. This is my favourite gun and it is very




Level: 2

Price: $25,000

Location: Galvin Street, Hell's Kitchen.

This weapon becomes a one hit kill machine for the enemies of the first 9-10

missions. You can also carry 6+48 bullets. The name changes to EXTENDED BARREL.



Level: 3

Price: $250,000

Location: 52nd Street, Northern Hell's Kitchen.

This weapon maintains it's one hit kill machine status of level 2 but extends

it to all enemies in the game. Indeed, you will find VERY few enemies who can

take more then one bullet of this weapon. You can now carry 6+80 bullets and

the name changes to PYTHON. This is an upgrade i strongly recommend you to




IV)Tommy Gun

This weapon is pretty useful against all types of enemies but the fact that it

runs out of ammo very quickly reduces its effectiveness. You should use it on

all types of early mission enemies but later on, choose the situation in which

you want to use this gun.




The following upgrades are available for this weapon.



Level: 1

Price: ZERO

Location: You get it automatically in the 3-4 mission

Very effective at close ranges but the later enemies can be hard to take down

with this level. You can carry 25+250 bullets.



Level: 2

Price: $50,000

Location: 79th street, Northern Mid-Town

This version becomes much more useful due to larger ammo capacity. It also has

a slightly faster firing rate although the power is almost the same. You can

now carry 50+500 bullets. The name changes to MODIFIED TOMMY GUN.



Level: 3

Price: $500,000

Location: Near Street 25th.

You can now carry 75+750 bullets, the large ammo capacity makes the gun yet

evev more useful. However, the HUGE price and minor power upgrade decrease it's

value to the customer. The name changes to DILLINGER.




My weapon of choice in sticky situations. Very powerful at close range. The

early missions are a breeze with this weapon.




The following upgrades are available for this weapon.



Level: 1

Price: ZERO

Location: You get it automatically in the 3-4 mission

Very effective at close range but the slow reload after every two shots and

small ammo capacity make it somewhat less useful. Plus it is takes more shots

at long ranges. You can carry 2+12 shells.



Level: 2

Price: $250,000

This upgrade makes this weapon pretty useful against the later enemies of the

game. Although it isn't a one hit kill for some late mission enemies and it is

still effected by long range, the bigger ammo capacity pretty much make up for

the shortcomings.You can still kill most enemies in a single shot at close

ranges. The name changes to DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN. You can now carry 2+24




Level: 3

Price: $450,000

Location: Sewage Tunnel, Eastern Little Italy Industrial

Let me put it this way, if you have this weapon, you might as well forget about

the enemies in the game. And i mean all enemies including the ones that come

in the last 2-3 missions. This weapon will kill almost every enemy at medium-

close range in one shot. It only needs 2 shots (in most cases) at long range.

You can carry 10+100 shells. The name changes to SWEEPER. If you have this

amount of cash and you dont want to or have already bought the python, then

definitely buy this weapon.



VI)Molotov Cocktail

Price: $100

This weapon is very useful in a sticky situation. Rather then entering a room

full of heavily armed enemies, just chuck a molotov inside and most of them

will die or run away. Pretty useful. Just be careful that you not in a low

ceiling area.




Price: $500

Pretty much the same as the moltov cocktail, different effect but same result.



VIII)Time Bomb

Price: $2000

The moment you plant this thing, the whole place will blow up in a short time.

I died myself in most cases, only useful in mob war's etc when you have to

take over a rival family's headquarters.



8-Skills And Upgrades

For every story mission and some side missions which you manage to complete

succesfully, you will earn a skill point. These points can be used to upgrade

your different characteristics. There are 5 different types of skills you can

upgrade, each class has 10 skill levels, so for instance, if you want your

health to be maximum, spend all points on the health until it reaches the

tenth level.




This class improves your hand-to-hand combat abilities.



A)Fighting Level: 1

Increase Attack Damage: +10%

Increase Grab Time: +1 Second

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +10%



B)Fighting Level: 2

Increase Attack Damage: +20%

Increase Grab Time: +2 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +20%



C)Fighting Level: 3

Increase Attack Damage: +30%

Increase Grab Time: +3 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +30%



D)Fighting Level: 4

Increase Attack Damage: +40%

Increase Grab Time: +4 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +40%



E)Fighting Level: 5

Increase Attack Damage: +50%

Increase Grab Time: +5 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +50%



F)Fighting Level: 6

Increase Attack Damage: +60%

Increase Grab Time: +6 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +60%



G)Fighting Level: 7

Increase Attack Damage: +70%

Increase Grab Time: +7 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +70%



H)Fighting Level: 8

Increase Attack Damage: +80%

Increase Grab Time: +8 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +80%



I)Fighting Level: 9

Increase Attack Damage: +90% 

Increase Grab Time: +9 Seconds

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +90%



J)Fighting Level: 10

Increase Attack Damage: +100% 

Increase Grab Time: +10 Seconds 

Increase Negotiation Pressure: +100%




This class improves your aiming, reload, disarm chances.



A)Shooting Level: 1

Increase Aiming Speed: +25%



B)Shooting Level: 2

Increase Aiming Precision: +20%



C)Shooting Level: 3

Increase Disarm Chance: +25%



D)Shooting Level: 4

Increase Aiming Speed: +50%



E)Shooting Level: 5

Increase Aiming Precision: +40%



F)Shooting Level: 6

Increase Disarm Chance: +50%



G)Shooting Level: 7

Increase Aiming Speed: +75%



H)Shooting Level: 8

Increase Aiming Precision: +50%



I)Shooting Level: 9

Increase Disarm Chance: +75%



J)Shooting Level: 10

Increase Aiming Speed: +100%

Increase Aiming Precision: +60%

Increase Disarm Chance: +100%




This class increases your overall health points and recovery rate.



A)Health Level: 1

Increase Health: +150hp

Increase Health Recovery: +20%

Increase Blocking Defense: +10%



B)Health Level: 2

Increase Health: +300hp

Increase Health Recovery: +40% 

Increase Blocking Defense: +20%



C)Health Level: 3

Increase Health: +450hp

Increase Health Recovery: +60%

Increase Blocking Defense: +30%



D)Health Level: 4

Increase Health: +600hp

Increase Health Recovery: +80%

Increase Blocking Defense: +40%



E)Health Level: 5

Increase Health: +750hp

Increase Health Recovery: +100%

Increase Blocking Defense: +50%



F)Health Level: 6

Increase Health: +900hp

Increase Health Recovery: +120%

Increase Blocking Defense: +60%



G)Health Level: 7

Increase Health: +1,050hp

Increase Health Recovery: +140%

Increase Blocking Defense: +70%



H)Health Level: 8

Increase Health: +1,200hp

Increase Health Recovery: +160%

Increase Blocking Defense: +80%



I)Health Level: 9

Increase Health: +1,350hp

Increase Health Recovery: +180% 

Increase Blocking Defense: +90%



J)Health Level: 10

Increase Health: +1,500hp

Increase Health Recovery: +200% 

Increase Blocking Defense: +100%




This class increases your sprinting time, reload speed etc.



A)Speed Level: 1

Sprint Duration: +3 Seconds



B)Speed Level: 2

Attack and Movement Speed: +10%



C)Speed Level: 3

Weapon Reloading & Reveal/Conceal: +25%



D)Speed Level: 4

Sprint Duration: +6 Seconds



E)Speed Level: 5

Attack and Movement Speed: +25%



F)Speed Level: 6

Weapon Reloading & Reveal/Conceal: +50%



G)Speed Level: 7

Sprint Duration: +9 Seconds



H)Speed Level: 8

Attack and Movement Speed: +50%



I)Speed Level: 9

Weapon Reloading & Reveal/Conceal: +75%



J)Speed Level: 10

Sprint Duration: +10 Seconds

Attack and Movement Speed: +75%

Weapon Reloading & Reveal/Conceal: +100%



V.Street Smarts

This class increases your molotov/dynamite ammo capacity and reduces heat and




A)Street Smarts Level: 1

Knowledge: -10% Heat and Vendetta



B)Street Smarts Level: 2

Negotiation: +3 Seconds Breaking Point Revealed



C)Street Smarts Level: 3

Carry Limit: +1 Dynamite, +2 Molotovs



D)Street Smarts Level: 4

Hot Wing: Steal Parked Cars Heat Free



E)Street Smarts Level: 5

Knowledge: -30% Heat and Vendetta



F)Street Smarts Level: 6

Negotiation: +3 Seconds, Breaking Point Revealed



G)Street Smarts Level: 7

Carry Limit: +3 Dynamite, +4 Molotovs



H)Street Smarts Level: 8

Knowledge: -50% Heat and Vendetta  



I)Street Smarts Level: 9

Negotiation: +3 Seconds Breaking Point Revealed



J)Street Smarts Level: 10

Carry Limit: +1 Bomb, +3 Dynamite, +6 Molotovs




You can buy many types of clothes in this game. They cost money and earn you

some extra respect points.




Listed below




1.Rolled up w/Open Collar

Price: Free



2.Rolled up w/Open Collar + Suspenders

Price: Free



3.Open Collar

Price: Free



4.Open Collar w/Suspenders

Price: $2,400

Respect Bonus: 750



5.Rolled up

Price: $2,100

Respect Bonus: 650



6.Rolled up w/Suspenders

Price: $2,400

Respect Bonus: 750



7.Rolled up w/Tie

Price: $2,100

Respect Bonus: 650



8.Rolled up w/Suspenders + Tie

Price: $3,000

Respect Bonus: 940



9.Buttoned up

Price: $1,200

Respect Bonus: 375




Price: $1,600

Respect Bonus: 565




Price: $1,500

Respect Bonus: 470



12.W/Suspenders + Tie

Price: $3,000

Respect Bonus: 940




1.Open w/Rolled up

Price: $3,600

Respect Bonus: 1,125




Price: $3,600

Respect Bonus: 1,125



3.Closed w/Rolled up

Price: $3,600

Respect Bonus: 1,125




Price: $3,600

Respect Bonus: 1,125



5.Open w/Rolled up + Tie

Price: $4,200

Respect Bonus: 1,315



6.Open w/Tie

Price: $4,200

Respect Bonus: 1,315



7.Closed w/Rolled up + Tie

Price: $4,200

Respect Bonus: 1,315



8.Closed w/Tie

Price: $4,200

Respect Bonus: 1,315



9.Open w/Rolled up + Untied

Price: $9,000

Respect Bonus: 2,815





Price: $5,400

Respect Bonus: 1,690




Price: $5,400

Respect Bonus: 1,690



3.Open w/Tie

Price: $6,600

Respect Bonus: 2,065



4.Closed w/Tie

Price: $6,600

Respect Bonus: 2,065



5.Open w/Vest

Price: $8,400

Respect Bonus: 2,625



6.Open w/Vest + Tie

Price: $9,000

Respect Bonus: 2,815





Price: $6,000

Respect Bonus: 1,875




Price: $6,000

Respect Bonus: 1,875



3.Open w/Tie

Price: $7,200

Respect Bonus: 2,250



4.Closed w/Tie

Price: $7,200

Respect Bonus: 2,250



5.Open w/Vest

Price: $9,600

Respect Bonus: 3,000



6.Open w/Vest + Tie

Price: $10,200

Respect Bonus: 3,190





Price: $11,400

Respect Bonus: 3,565



2.Closed w/Tie

Price: $12,000

Respect Bonus: 3,750




1.Casual Pants

Price: Free



2.Casual Pants w/Belt

Price: $720

Respect Bonus: 225



3.Dress Pants

Price: $1,080

Respect Bonus: 340



4.Dress Pants w/Belt

Price: $1,200

Respect Bonus: 375




1.Dress Shoes

Price: Free




Price: $420

Respect Bonus: 135




Price: $540

Respect Bonus: 170



4.Wing Tips

Price: $720

Respect Bonus: 225




1.Snap Brim

Price:  $480

Respect Bonus: 150



2.Fedora - Narrow Brim

Price:  $840

Respect Bonus: 265



3.Fedora - Wide Brim

Price:  $900

Respect Bonus: 285




Price:  $600

Respect Bonus: 190





Price:  $300

Respect Bonus: 95



2.Horn Rims

Price:  $300

Respect Bonus: 95



3.Sun Glasses

Price:  $600

Respect Bonus: 190




Your questions will be answered here, please make sure that the question has

not been answered in the walkthrough, otherwise you will NOT get a reply.....




Contact me if you

want to ask a question that has not been answered in the FAQ

noticed an error etc I made

Want to make a contribution

Want to appreciate my walkthrough

Want permission to host it on your web site

DONOT contact me If you

want to ask me a question about a section already covered in the FAQ

want to send Hate Mails and viruses

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E-mail Address:  a.heavenly.body@gmail.com 




Me..For making a great FAQ.

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[Your name here]..For sending a great addition in my FAQ.



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